The Online Marketing Blog recently posted about Wordle, a tool that scans a webpage, picks out the most used words and creates a nice visual representation of your content. I ran my blog homepage though Wordle and it seems that I’m all about bacon at the moment. 😀
If you look close I think you can see a hidden message that says “Enjoy Bacon and Beer.”
Give Wordle a try. It’s just a fun little tool to play around with.
Thanks for sharing, Thomas! My blog’s apparently less tasty than yours! 😉
Is the bacon at least nice and crispy? I don’t eat floppy bacon, not even for a billion dollars.
Haha.. nice blog. =] I want some bacon.. mm.
But question – how do you save the image when you create it on there? o.0
TB, I took a screenshot.
We didn’t get the beer (I think we need to work on this), but we did get two large bacons.