I’ve become a fan of Ping.fm and its mass notification abilities. However, I wanted to update my Ping.fm status without navigating away from the page I was on. So I created the Ping.fm Mobile Sidebar for Firefox.
Much like my many other Firefox sidebars, it simply works as a shortcut to access the mobile version of a site. This time it’s Ping.fm.
Yes, you could easily do this with a bookmark in Firefox, but I prefer to have an icon in my toolbar and a keyboard shortcut at my disposal.
The Ping.fm Mobile Sidebar comes complete with Firefox 2 & 3 support, a blue P button for your toolbar and a keyboard shortcut. The actual features of the Ping.fm sidebar application are under Ping.fm’s control.
To install: Download the extension to your desktop. Then go to Tools -> Add-ons and drag ping.fm1.1.xpi to your add-ons window. It’ll install and you’ll have to restart Firefox.
To use: Go to View -> Sidebar -> Ping.fm Mobile Sidebar, or hit control+alt+shift+p, or customize your menu bar to add the Ping.fm button.
Known Issue: The mobile version of Ping.fm has no background color so the sidebar version currently takes on your current sidebar background color. If you have a dark background color, this may make the text hard to read. I’m looking into a way to fix this.
Thoughts Wanted: The iPhone version of Ping.fm works in Firefox’s sidebar, however the sidebar either needs to be about 480px wide or it’ll scroll left and right. The iPhone version looks much nicer, but it doesn’t fit quite right. Would you like to keep the current version or have me code in the iPhone version?
Thanks so much for making this! Trying it out now & works great. I do have a dark theme so the text is a bit hard to read but it’s clear enough.
I’ve been looking for this for the longest time! 😀
Hey man, would you make your awesome extension work in firefox 3.5
ITnks for your time.
Updated for Firefox 3.5. 🙂 Please re-install.
Tnks so much. this and foxmarks are the basic tools for my webmanagement.
Are you able to make one for either EI or Google Chrome? Woudl be great if you could.
Sorry that should have been IE (Internet Explorer) ….. it’s been a long day!
Hi, me again.
Could you please make it firefox 3.6 compatible?? I will apreciate it a lot.
yeh could you make this for internet explorer please?
Unfortionally I don’t make IE extensions.
Hi I want to try this but it says it is not compatible for Forfox 3.6.13 will this be updated hope so please … let us know if you do.. thanks
Any new on an update to make it compatible with v 3.6.13?
Not sure why it’s not working, but I’ll see if I can’t take a look.