I’ve been using Tweetbot for two months now on the Mac and I was very excited to get it. I was very happy with the iOS app and most users seem happy with the Mac app; so I jumped in too. After quite a bit of use, I have to say I don’t think it’s […]
Tagged: twitter
Social Icons: You and the Internet Are Using Them Wrong.
Take a moment and check the social icons on your website. Do they match the ones below? Exactly? Probably not. If you do a search for the social icons, you’ll come up with millions of different versions. Most are pretty cool too, but they are violating the brand guidelines outlined by the individual social network. […]
Are hashtags on Facebook actually useful? Will they catch on?
Now that Facebook hashtags, everyone is on board with using hashtags to let users organize content. But is it actually useful? Or is it a spammers paradise? http://youtu.be/q5_yA9nMkik&rel=0 Nerdery Post: Do Hashtags Make Social Networks Better or Worse? I think that they can be useful, and I want them to be, but it depends on the users. […]
Turning Twitter.com into a nice standalone app with inline images.
Creating a workaround since Twitter is being a jerk.
Is it: Internet FTW or WTF?
Every day there are three things I have to check out. First, what’s up on Twitter. So many tidbits of information, links and pictures. Then I head over to Facebook to see how those kids are doing. And no day is complete without posting something to one of my many WordPress blogs. Since Facebook, Twitter […]
I’ve removed Facebook and Twitter from my phone.
Twitter has a job opening for a unicorn slayer.
Did you see Twitter’s awesome recruiting video? I have to say, it got my attention because it’s cheesy awesome. http://youtu.be/vccZkELgEsU While listing open jobs, I noticed that they are even hiring a unicorn slayer. Now I think that may be illegal, with them being endangered and all, but you don’t find that job to many places. I think I’m going to stay […]
Archiving tweets for future reference.
Twin Cities Twitter weather alerts are working again.
Good news for all the people following one of the Twin Cities Twitter weather alerts accounts as they are once again working. They worked great over the winter, then suddenly stopped this spring. Turns out weather.gov updated the RSS feeds. In doing so, they dropped the old ones without telling us. Unfortunately the weekend gave us […]