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Get Weather Alerts via Twitter

Twitter Weather AlertsLets face it, some of us are on Twitter more than we are paying attention to most other forms of communication. We can tell you what was recently blogged, but we sometimes have no idea what’s going on outside our window with the weather. Wouldn’t it be nice to get them to come to you, via Twitter? Now you can.

I’ve used a combination of and weather alert feeds to post updates to Twitter. Now when a storm is coming, I can know!

If you live in the Twin Cities, you can visit the Twin Cities Twitter Alerts page and choose to follow one of the seven metro counties. They are nicely broken out so that you can choose to only get alerts that matter to you based on your location.

Live outside the Twin Cities metro and still want alerts? Well I don’t have time to set them all up, but we can work together cover more locations. Here is how we do it.

  1. Setup a new Twitter account specifically for your county.
  2. Setup an account at If you already have one, than you don’t need a new one.
  3. Head to’s weather alerts feed page and find the feed for your state and county.
  4. Setup your account with your new Twitter information and feed. We only need to post one new item and set it to update every 15 minutes.
  5. Share the Twitter account!

Once you have Twitter weather alerts setup for you county, drop the Twitter account in the comments here and I’ll build out a list.

Please keep in mind that these alerts are good for being warned when conditions are right for storms. They are not good for up to the minute weather information. Turn on the TV or head to when you need to know what’s happening right this moment.

30 Responses

  1. Melanie Reed says:

    Monroe County, IN weather alerts: @monroe_alerts

  2. Melanie Reed says:

    Need some help I think. It doesn’t seem to be picking up my feed and updating yet. I’ve got it set to 30 minutes. Perhaps I just need to wait a bit.

  3. Melanie Reed says:

    Yep, it just piped through for Monroe County, IN. We are operational @monroe_alerts

  4. Hi Thomas-
    Thanks for setting up the weather alerts. I don’t want to be a crank, but just wanted to let you know that the Anoka County official logo is a protected image. Also, it’s obvious you take a lot of time and pride in your work so just thought I’d mention that in the specific link to the Anoka County alerts, “Anoka” is misspelled.

    • Thomas says:

      Hi Martha – I’ve fixed the typo. Thanks for letting me know. Also, are you saying that the Anoka logo can’t be used for the Twitter page? If so I can remove it, but I don’t see how it’s harming anything.

  5. DMel says:

    Thanks so much for the directions on how to set up a weather alert feed. Lake County, Indiana is up and running at

  6. Dperalta says:

    Weather for South Florida area @weather_sfl

  7. BC says:

    Panama City, Florida – Bay County

  8. Cobb County, Georgia – @cobbwxalert

  9. Pder says:

    Inarajan, Guam – @inarajan_guam

  10. mj says:

    Butler County, Ohio – @NOAA_OHC017

    • mj says:

      Hmm.. Don’t think it’s quite there yet..

      • Thomas says:

        Looks like it’s working for me.

        • mj says:

          Yeah, it took me a moment to figure out that I wanted description only in the twitterfeed rather than title and description. If you include title, then there will be a tweet every 30 minutes…not what I was after.

        • mj says:

          Did you happen to notice that all (?) these weather alert feeds went berserk yesterday, sending out a tweet every half hour? I assume it was something in the input from NOAA, but still kinda annoying.

          • Thomas says:

            Yea, not sure what the NWS was doing with all those non-alerts, but it looks as if they’ve died down.

  11. Cal Desmond-Pearson says:

    Nice App! I’m hoping on doing something similiar for the United Kingdom sometime soon (it’s on my TO-DO THIS YEAR list) Will let you know when it happens.

  12. Aaron says:
    For those with-in Monroe County, Wisconsin.

  13. Chris Daniel says:

    Please set me up to get the NWS Alerts to my Twitter account: ChrisDaniel.


    • Thomas says:

      You’ll need to follow the instructions above and create your own weather Twitter account, then subscribe to it. I don’t create them for you. 🙂

  14. @WashCnty_MI


  15. Kyle says:

    Weather warnings for Northern Ontario: @non_warnings
    Weather warnings for Southern Ontario: @son_warnings

  16. All set-up for alerts for Middle Tennessee @Ckvl_Wx_Alerts

  17. Kenneth says:

    Alerts set up for Bartholomew, IN (47203) and Seymour, IN (47274) on @WeatherAlerts13

    Thanks for the tip about

  18. URI says:

    Washington County RI (02881) @URIAlert

  19. Chris says:

    Mendota,Illinois weather alerts @Renegade528 on Twitter

  20. All Georgia weather alerts and

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