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Get an extra 20 gigs of Amazon Cloud space for $0.69.

Amazon MP3I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Amazon has a new cloud storage service that allows you to save your digital life online. The biggest feature here is that you can upload all your music and play it online whenever you want, wherever you want.

Amazon gives you 5 gigs for free, but you can get an extra 20 gigs for only $0.69.

How? Well Amazon has stated that if you purchase any MP3 album, you get a free 20 gigs. So you just need to find an album for $0.69.

That’s pretty easy too. Almost every week Glee releases music for their show and each single is considered an album and some are only $0.69. So you can purchase Big Ass Heart for $0.69, save it directly to your Amazon Cloud Player and get your free 20 gigs automatically.

Now I haven’t found any other albums for less than $0.69. Theoretically there could be others, but since I watch Glee, and think the song isn’t to bad, I stopped looking.

There you have it, an extra 20 gigs of space on Amazon Cloud Drive for only $0.69. Nice!

5 Responses

  1. Jamie says:

    You just saved me about $5-10! Thanks!

  2. lee says:

    ha nice but i would download the far contry

  3. PilotBob says:

    I think that 20gb only lasts for a year though. After that will you will have to pony up the storage fees… which may or may not be worth it.


  1. 6/3/2011

    […] Free (for now) Amazon Cloud Player – First 5 gigs are free, after that it’ll cost. TipUploading:Google Music:Pro: Creates a native Mac system preference.Pro: I can set the bandwidth used […]

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