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What’s a parent to do when WE get sick?

I Haz A BugIt’s inevitable, someday mom and dad will come down with a cold and then what?

Actually this happened last week. First Christi got something, and then passed it to me. We were worried about passing it to Lily, but there isn’t much a parent can do; is there?

Yes, we washed our hands often and took precautions where we could, but it’s not like you can avoid the baby. She still needs that one to one attention and we can’t leave her alone.

Lucky for us, Lily didn’t get sick. That could be because she may have given it to us first, but still. What’s a parent to do when they get sick and don’t want to pass it on down?

1 Response

  1. Beth says:

    What you did was just right. You can’t leave her alone, susceptable as she is to illness. You just have to take every precaution you can to keep your sickness from spreading. Nice work!

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