Lily’s first birthday party went off quite well. Unfortunately, one set of grandparents couldn’t make it due to illness, but it’s better they stay away than spread it to everyone else.
Other than that we had good food, cake and fun. Lily got to see some people she doesn’t see as often and she got to be the center of attention; which she loves.
Mom and I got her a few gifts but she wasn’t overloaded on presents. At least not yet. I’m sure more will be coming in the upcoming weeks.
Lily also got to eat her birthday cake and make a mess. We all had fun with that one. Well until about 10pm when she wouldn’t go to sleep because of all the sugar. We decided then that she’ll never get frosting again. 😉
Even though Lily’s birthday is technically over, I’m sure there will be more celebrating to come as not everyone was able to make it. That’s good though as we can share the love and extend the party!
Plus there are many more photos over on Flickr!