Here it is 4th of July weekend and we’ve got no plans, which is a good thing, however fireworks are pretty much out for this year.
Now I love fireworks, and I’m not a fan of sitting inside on the 4th when they are going on, but I’m not taking Lily to see them this year.
She’s just a baby and between the loud noises & bugs, sitting outside at night just doesn’t seem like a good ideas. Plus it’ll be 2 hours after her bedtime.
Lily’s first 4th of July fireworks may have to wait another year or two. Instead, we’ll watch them on TV or Mom and I will watch them from our deck. The only downside there is we’ll only be able to see the ones high enough to make it over all the trees. We’re close, but not that close.
If you do choose to take your baby to 4th of July fireworks, here are a few things to think about.
- Spray bug spray on things around them, or get a candle. I’m not sure, but bug spray on a baby might not be a good idea.
- Park close enough that you can sit and watch them in your car. That’ll help keep bugs and noise out.
- Find a friend with a home close enough to the action so you can watch them from the inside.
- Put up a tent to help keep the bugs out.
- Realize that there will be plenty more 4ths in the future and missing one isn’t so bad.