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Category: Holiday

How the Grinch Stole Hanukkah.

This stealing of another holiday is brought to you by AI. AI, who seems to think the Grinch just peers through doors to surprise little Jewish people. Plus, one Grinch has a tail and another a fur coat? Watch out kids, your dreidels and menorahs are about to disappear!

Halloween 2023

We’ve been having a lot of Halloween fun this year and keeping ourselves busy. Pumpkin Carving We carved 6 pumpkins; two of which we grew ourselves. We have Ghostface, Bowser, Tiny Face, two scary face pumpkins, and one that’s full of hearts and holes. Trunk or Treat We volunteered at our church and decorated our […]

Christmas lights are more festive with WLED & LED Pixels

Programmable Christmas lights with WLED and LED pixels have made Christmas lighting more festive than ever. The colors and patters I can create are so much fun, and I just have a pretty basic setup. Our Christmas tree has 10 different effects that change every 10 minutes and the house has 14 different effects that […]

Hang LED Pixels with gutter clips.

When you’re starting out with LED pixels (programmable Christmas lights) not everyone is ready to go all in and spend big bucks on pixel mounting strips or other more permanent installs. Instead, you can use cheap gutter clips. Grab some universal gutter clips which can be found at Target, Lowes, Home Depot, or other stores. […]

We handed out potatoes for Halloween.

This year, our Halloween candy bowl had potatoes mixed in. That’s right, potatoes. As it turns out, some kids love potatoes. This all started when my wife read something about someone else who did this and how kids loved it. Seemed like a fun thing to do on Halloween, so we thought we’d give it […]

WLED Programmable Christmas Lights

This year, I put up some programmable LED Christmas lights. I’ve been wanting to give this a try for a while, and took the leap this year. I had to learn a few things but, I’m happy with the outcome. With these lights I can choose the colors, the effect, and so much more with […]

Halloween Decorations 2021

It’s Halloween time again, and we have our Jack Skellington on the garage, added some animated lights above the garage, black light strips around the garage and front porch along with tape that lights up in black lights. We have a few motion detected decorations as well to scare the kids, but nothing too scary. […]