As noted a few weeks ago, I’m starting to create my own Beaver Builder modules. Since then I’ve gotten the Slick module into a good spot.
My Sick module supports:
- Single Image Carousels
- Multiple Image Carousels
- Horizontal Carousels
- Vertical Carousels
- Touch Controls
- Responsive
- Arrow and Dot Styles
- Multiple Carousels Per Page
- Photo Captions
- Infinite Loop
- Fade Transition
Most of these are standard Slick items but getting them into the builder, and working right, does take time.
I feel the Slick module is in a pretty good spot. There’s always more to add, but the basics are good.
I also added a Full Width Image module. This module supports forcing images to full width regardless of image size. You can also choose to show the caption and add a link to the image if you’d like.
The Full Width Image module was one of those requests from someone else so I tossed it in.
These modules are all available on GitHub and are completely free.
Hi, have you ever thought of making this plugin compatible with beaver themer?
i really appreciate your work, and it would be perfect if compatible with beaver themer, having for example field connection for images.
i’m a front-end html, css and jquery, and not capable of doing it, even if i think it should be quit easy to do or i would have done it alone and give you code 🙁
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I haven’t thought about connecting the fields to Beaver Themer, but I’ll look into it. Shouldn’t be too hard. Thanks for the idea.