I’m a big fan of Mozilla Firefox and yesterday I got a few Firefox related gifts. First, my boss gave got me a Firefox mug. It’s really sweet with the Firefox name on one side and the logo on the other. Then, when I got home last night, there was a package from the Mozilla Foundation. Inside I found a Firefox pen, which lights up red, and a commemorative, 25 million downloads, Firefox coin. I got those two free for my work with SpreadFirefox.com. All I really did was spread the word about this great browser and help family and friends convert over to it. 🙂
Basically, if you don’t already know, Firefox is an alternative to the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. Firefox is free, fast, more secure and very customizable with extensions and themes. It’s built by people who really love the project and they make every effort to keep you safe and your browsing experience enjoyable.
Thank you Lee and the Mozilla Foundation!!
Mozilla Firefox rocks!
I have been lookin for that firefox mug, do you know where i can find one??
No I don’t Anil. I thought you could get it at the Mozilla Store http://store.mozilla.org/ but I didn’t see it.
I have one of the mugs and a tee-shirt. I bought them a while ago. They still have the Tee-Shirts on the web-store, but they seem to have stopped selling the mugs. Maybe they were a one off launch product.
Its a shame as the logo on a coffee mug is really cool and a neat way of drinking your coffee at the office too.
To bad I lost mine. All three items actually. 🙁
they gave me coin and pen.