The season finale of The OC was on last night and that show is amazing. They have to have one of the best cast of writers and actors out there. The emotion that they can pull off, and the plot twists, grip you and you don’t wanna let go. Maybe it’s how they portray the reality of situations that make it feel like something more than just a TV show. Or the way they have everything tied together so well that you can’t help but be drawn in. Either way, they leave me wanting more.
The best part of the season finale was that everything they eluded to in the previews was done in the first half of the show; leaving no idea of how it would really end.
And then there is The OC music. They pick these obscure bands and songs that I’d never hear in a hounded years. However, they put the songs in the show and they fit so well. They have to be doing a lot for bands that that go from unknown to being on The OC.
So now I have to wait another summer, until next November or so, until I get to see what happens next. Rest assured Fox, I’ll be on that couch watching next season as well.