Every now and then someone forwards me a Christmas card that they were sent from another company. I guess I’m not special enough to get sent it in the first place. 😉
Anyways, I thought I’d share two that I received yesterday.
Get Your Ding a Ding Ding On from space150 is an interesting and odd music video of sorts. It’s so good bad that I just had to share.
SiteLab’s Ginger Bread Man interactive card is much more fun. You get to chase around a gingerbread man flinging frosting at him to try and decorate him. Lots of fun here.
Those are the two I’ve gotten so far that I felt were ‘post’ worthy. Feel free to share some of your favorites in the comments. 😀
hey Thomas…here’s a fun one we did this year (and you can compete for real prizes): http://www.artropolis.com/holiday2005