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iPox 0.2 [Updated]

I’m submitting iPox 0.2 to Mozilla today and hopefully it’ll be available to download later today.

Updates include:

  • Rounded URL Bar
  • Better Big Icons Background
  • Tool Tip Design
  • Status Bar Background
  • URL Dropdown Arrow thing (has a few issues though)
  • Secure URL Bar Background

Still, there is much to do, but I’m slowly progressing.

Two new issues include missing lock icon in URL bar and moving down arrow icon in toolbar.

[Updated] Version 0.2 was denied by Mozilla for issues that were also present in version 0.1a. Issues I’m trying hard to figure out. Things like the menu top/bottom oddities and background for some Windows windows. Not sure when I’ll get around to figuring out those issues, but it may be a while.

6 Responses

  1. I just wanted to say “Good work” on this theme, and encourage you to keep refining it. There are a lot of great idea in iPox, and it looks great. Keep up the good work!!

  2. geek says:

    great theme so far.

    looking forward to future updates.. +


  3. Reeves says:

    Oh,I can't wait…

  4. Thomas says:

    Thanks for the encouragement. v0.2 should be out any time now. 🙂

  5. Maarten says:

    Gimme, gimme 🙂

  6. Daniel says:

    Before I upload 0.2 I will assume the issues you are having are the Windows ones you have mentioned about 0.1? If we are putting on a Mac will 0.2 be worth the download then? Thanks. Keep up the good work! 🙂

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