I have to tell you, I didn’t think I’d get heated seats until I got a new car. However, for Christmas I got heated car seat covers. Heated seats without getting a new car!
These things are wonderful. I just hop in in the morning, plug in the power to the cigarette lighter and before I know it, my buns are toasty warm.
I have two setting, LO and HI so I can control how warm I get, but I always just stick it on HI and when I get too warm, I shut it off.
There is no real install, just put the seat cover on the seat and plug it in. They can be removed just as easy.
Now, we really haven’t had a cold snap here in Minnesota since November, so I’m not sure how well they work when it’s single digits or lower, but they haven’t disappointed on those 25 degree mornings.
Nothing like hot buns on a cold morning. 😀
Who made them, and are they available at walmart? Must have one.
I’m from Minnesota as well(duluth), so i know what the cold-seat thing is like :p
At Christmas time they were everywhere. Check out Walmart or Target as they probably still have them. Or Amazon. 🙂
Hi friend,
Please let me know whare can I find this. I need one set of hearted car seat for my dad too. Thanks!
[email protected]
I bought seat heaters or heated seats from http://www.heatedseatkits.com and installed them myself. They are a very reputable company with very good customer service, I highly recommend you check them out. The seat heaters feel as if they are OEM, my friends and family couldn’t tel! Highly recommended!
Hi Tabo, For starters, the phone number 1-800-717-0106 does not even work.! Does this company really exist?? I’m trying to get some built in carbon fiber seat heating pad for my mercedes 2003, s500 and cannot seem to find anyone out there who has compatible products for my car. Stealership is asking for a ridiculous amount. Please email me @ [email protected] with any suggesstions. Maybe there is another company out there??
This heatedseatkits company is a big fraud.
I ordered four sets of heaters for my suv and my daughter’s car and only one side worked for one set and the other just didn’t heat at all. So, i called their customer service line and got someone who was rude and could hardly understand. They sent me replacement parts but there were still heating problems.
Long story short – I was so frustrated i phoned Subaru of America and Ford’s head office. When i asked about this heatedseatkit company they had no idea who i was talking about. I mentiond Robert Wolfgang’s name and they still insisted that they never had procured heaters from them. A company called W.E.T. was their supplier and had been for years.
Warning be careful of companies claiming they do business with the large major companies and do your homework. This company is obviously full of hot air – if anything.
Btw – after returning their product and stuggling to get a refund, I finally got my heaters supplied and installed from a local company here in St. Louis and they are great. This HSK company is one to be weary of.
This is really weird.
I just bought some seat heaters from the same heated seat kit company and had almost the same problem. except my driver’s side kept heating up and wouldn’t shut off.
I phoned their support line for some help. Some guy kept arguing with me that I must have mis-installed them. I explained that I went to one of their so-called recommended installers. The guys at Ace Interiors had not idea what i was talking about and had never installed heaters before.
I explained that I followed their instructions very carefully when I installed them. They worked well for a few days but that was it.
I finally got my money back and ordered from another company.
I live in the Pacific Northwest and got my seat heaters installed in Seattle by a reputable shop. The seat heaters work just perfectly.
I don’t know remember who the manufacturer is but I think that the seat heater pads had Pacific something stamped on them.
Anyways, I’m now a happy commuter and thank the internet for blogs like this.
Sadly ours died a few weeks ago. I guess that’s what you get for buying cheap. 😉
Wish I would have found these posts earlier! I too am having problems with my heated seat kits from heatedseatkits.com (hsk) I changed out the entire harness twice and the kit still continued to heat without shutting off. I changed the wires around for the temp sensor in the lower seat heater and now it works intermittently. I also added a seperate switch to shut off the power to them just in case. What a pain in the ass. Dont want to send them back because of crappy service and heated discussions I had with them. They claimed they sold thousands of these without any problems. Probably end up getting screwed worse seeing I had to trim them to make them fit..
I actually purchased a set of seat heaters from heatedseatkits.com and they have been working great for two years. I installed them into my 2002 Honda Civic, it sounds like a competitor trying to give them a bad name.
After talking to my car sales person whom I leased from, I realized taht this ropening up the car seat will get me into deep trouble when its the time to return it to the dealer.
So I found this heated seat covers from Brookstone.com. It’s actually a better solution than the built in version not to metnioned that its much cheaper too. Its made by a company named +VENTURE (the website from the box says http://www.adventureactiongear.com ) It’s less than $160 for a pair of heated seat covers that I just plug into the cigarate lighter plug. Unlike the cheap heated cusion I tried before (bought at Target and returned them since.) It actually heates up quite nicely.
Do you know where they got the heated seat covers from? I found some on sky mall but would like to find some locally in mn
I ordered a single heated seat kit for my wife for Christmas and have been waiting for it for 2 weeks. When I call them they have no tracking # and gave me some lame excuse that sometimes the carrier forgets to give them a tracking #. Whatever! I’m going to try and get my money back since I never got the product and if they don’t do that you can be sure that they’ll be hearing from my bank and Visa.