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Clear Firefox Saved Form Info – Easily

Now this is handy! I was trying to figure out how to get Gmail to forget a previous email username and password the other day and I came across Mission Data Blog. There they had a simple tip for clearing out saved form information in Firefox:

Go to the form where the mistake is.  Put your cursor in the text entry widget and hit down until the incorrect entry is highlighted. Now press shift + del … voila.

WOW! It’s so simple and so handy. I’ve been deleting saved stuff all day long from input boxes. Great tip and very useful.

13 Responses

  1. Keith Dsouza says:

    Yea this is cool I had written about this around a month and half ago, this is really very cool thing and handy one.


  2. Scott says:


  3. Admin says:

    This is amazing! Thanks!

  4. jakas says:

    awesome!!! dats gud!

  5. Alex says:

    This is wonderful! I am also looking for this a long time ago. Thanks

  6. brenna says:

    This is exactly what I was looking for! SO easy. Thanks!

  7. Abhishek says:

    Perfect and simple tip!! Awsome 🙂


  8. Mandana says:

    a big thank you 🙂

  9. Jeffrey Piter says:

    Great! Why didn’t I even think of trying that?

  10. Manoj says:

    Hi, thanks a lot for that tip – shift + del the urls from address bar.
    I’ve been searching for ages online on how to permanently remove info of websites from the address bar. Thanks again for the solution.

    Manoj(Kerala, India)

  11. Jed says:

    Hi, very useful, thanks a lot! 🙂 you should train the people who write the Mozilla Help pages… because they’re crap.

  12. James says:

    This is excellent! I have been agonizing for days on how to clear form fields! Thanks a bunch

  1. 9/12/2007

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