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New Ajax WordPress Plugins Installed

I’ve installed two new plugins that are Ajax based.

Ajax Comments
Great plugin that takes the refresh out of adding a comment to the site. It simply accepts the comment and adds it to the list without ever changing screens.

Ajax LiveSearch
This replaces my default search box with a live search box. Start typing and it’ll automatically show you results. I think it has IE issues, but works great in most browsers.

I also had to get rid of Spam Karma and go for Akismet as Spam Karma and Ajax Comments didn’t play well together. Either way, I should have excellent spam protection.

If there are any issues, let me know.

7 Responses

  1. tester says:

    Testing for this comment

  2. tester says:

    Is this ajax.. I have tested, but still refreshing screen

  3. Thomas says:

    I may have un-installed the plugin.

  4. idoscarpa says:

    just testing

  5. I wanna try your ajax based comment system

  6. Thomas says:

    Agencia – Follow the link above.

  7. Thomas says:

    I removed the plugin as I had issues. Other blogs it works fine but not this one.