Introducing the iPod Nano Completely Remastered desktop pictures.
I really like Apple’s new ad, however I was unable to find any good desktop pictures to go along with the ad. So I took the time to create six desktops based off Apple’s new iPod Nano ad.
Desktops ~ 1MB Each:
Pink, Blue, Green Dark
Pink, Blue, Green Light
Green One
Green Two
All Zipped Up – 4.5MB
All desktops are 1590 x 900 which I realize is kind of an odd size. I wanted them to fit my iMac’s 17″ monior, yet I didn’t want to crop out any of the graphics. I didn’t make them bigger as I already had to stretch the orgionial graphics. Much more and I’m afraid the quality would be even less.
I hope you enjoy them.
Hi, these are great. What program were they made with? Thank you!
Dan – I took screenshots of one of the ads and then used Fireworks to lay them out.
Does anyone know how to do something similar to this in photoshop?
Hay that’s really cool.