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MN State Fair Recap

We had a great time at the Minnesota State Fair today. Started off with a pork-chop on a stick at 10 am and it was great. Also ate Australian potato skins, some of a funnel cake, mini cinnamon rolls with ice cream, had a beer, a malt, some pop and I think that was it. […]

Blog on a Stick

As a follow-up to my last post, I emailed Jason DeRusha and told him that I also had a Blog on a Stick. He then posted about my blog on his blog! How cool is that?! Thanks Jason. 🙂

Minnesota State Fair!

It’s that time of year again, time for the great Minnesota get together! The Minnesota State Fair started yesterday and we’re all excited to go. New this year for food is: [from StarTribune] – Spaghetti and meatballs on a stick – Grilled chocolate sandwiches – Spiral chips – Foot-long walleye sandwich – Cheeseburger wontons – […]

MSN is Stalking Me

I thought it was love at first, but now I think it’s stalking. The MSN Bot won’t stop visiting! On the 22nd msnbott hit my blog 1,784 times. On the 23rd msnbott hit my blog 2,957 times. On the 24th msnbott hit my blog 4,712 times. On the 25th msnbott hit my blog 2,005 times […]

Google Talk Help Needed

Update: So it seems that you need to authorize any buddies before talking with them. Seems that if you were to go from Adium to Adium using Google Talk it wouldn’t work. However if you go from Google Talk to Adium you get an authorization window and then it works. Or something screwy like that. […]

I’m on Google IM

Yep, the details are out there. I just logged into my Gmail/Google IM account. I used Jabber though iChat and it worked just fine! I tried in Adium but had no luck for some reason. I’m sure I had a typo somewhere. For instructions on how to get into your Google IM account just go […]

CSS Hover Tip

If you ever have issues with CSS and your a:hover doesn’t seem to be working I may have the fix. You have to put your a:link information before your a:hover info. This works: .toprightmenu a:link, .toprightmenu a:visited { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; font-size: 10px; color: #999999; } .toprightmenu a:hover, .toprightmenu a:visited:hover { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: […]

Google & MSN Flash Earth

I can see my parents house from here! 😮 With each search engine trying to out do each other they are creating great products. But leave it to the users to make them even better. For example, Flash Earth. Flash Earth takes information from Google & MSN satellite maps and allows the user to smoothly […]

Where is Carmen Sandiego

That illusive lady from when I was a kit is still on the loose. Carmen Sandiego is still running ramped somewhere. A better question than where is the world (or US, time, universe) is Carmen Sandiego is what did Carmen Sandiego do? Why am I chasing her? Who tricked me into spending so much time […]

Year Old Wedding Cake

So who decided to save the wedding cake top and eat it a year later? Well we did and it was not so tasty. Fun time trying it though and at least someone enjoyed it!