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JR Wrestling

Tweak: J.R. Wrestling got a minor tweak today as the design now goes along with the website forum somewhat. Not a big change but check it out and see if you like it.

Half Day Friday

Day Off: Well instead of half day Fridays at work we now do rotating days off for the summer. And today is my day! So far it’s great! I look forward to trying to get a few projects done that I’m working on. However that may not happen. Either way, I get the day off!

Blue Haze Theme

BlueHaze: My MacOSX theme, BlueHaze, has been taken over by Peter MacWhinnie and updated to a version 1 release! He has put a lot of good work into it making it look much more finished. Download BlueHaze today!

One Month

One: One month till the big day!!

RegisterFly & Chatfield

Finally: Finally, after many emails and live chats with RegisterFly, we have gotten all meta info into the Chatfield frame. This means that it should greatly help out my search engine optimization and my links in general. It shouldn’t have been so hard to change. I just think they were confused at what I was […]

The Past

The Past: I was looking though a few things and came across Oddiments and HereFishey, my first two e-commerce stores. Not real stores but still pretty cool!

Marriage License

License: The marriage license is done. We went out to ridgedale last night and applied for one. Only about a month left till the big day!! =)

New iPod

iPod: It’s official. New iPods! Soooooo sweeeettt!

Sizzling Saturday

Sizzling Saturday: So far today we met with the Dj for the wedding, visited our parents and made it back to the cities, taking the scenic route, and more. We also cleaned out our closet as we have way to many cloths that we don’t wear. Later we are going to have our left over […]

Two Years

Two Years: It’s amazing to think that I’ve been dating my fiancee for two years now. I love the fact that I found someone so great to spend the rest of my life with.