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Category: Firefox

Ugly is Nice for Firefox

I wanted a new Firefox theme today and I have to say there is a lack in quality themes. However I installed one called Blue Monkey and I have to say it’s an ugly yet nice theme. Can’t explain it, but I like it for some odd reason. And it even works pretty nice on […]

Google vs Firefox?

Google has hired not one but two of the main Firefox team members. This helps strengthen the Firefox based Google browser rumors and make me wonder if in a few months we’ll be making so much noise about the new GoogleFox (or gBrowser or whatever) and tossing Firefox aside. I highly doubt that’ll happen though, […]

FireFox vs IE – The Odd Showdown

For those who are tired of hearing the technical reasons to switch to Firefox, here are some different reasons to switch. They compare everything from the logos to which browser will get you laid. Yes that’s right. I told you it was an odd showdown.

Safari Firefox Theme

I’ve been looking all over for a good Safari theme for Firefox and finally ran across one that has potential. Ran Aroussi has created a great Safari FireFox theme that has a lot going for it. Not only does it use the Safari buttons, it also adds in brushed metal. Granted it’s still under construction […]

View FireFox’s Cache Easily

Just a quick tip. If you are running Mozilla Firefox and you want to view your cache just type about:cache in the URL bar and hit enter. You can then search though your cache and retrieve images and files easily.

Firefox G5 Optimized

Lately I’ve been running a version of Firefox optimized for the G5. [updated link] Now I’m not sure exactly how this works. Someone re-builds Firefox from the source given out by Mozilla. (it is open source so it’s free) Then then change some code to take advantage of the G5 processor. While in there, they […]