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Category: TV

Grab The Chinese Food, Here Is The Whole Big Bang Theory Theme Song

Did you know that the opening intro of Big Bang Theory is only a small portion of the whole song? The theme song was written by the Barenaked Ladies and can be downloaded from iTunes or Amazon. Want to hear the whole thing? Here is the entire Big Bang Theory theme song. Doesn’t it […]

LOST – The Final Chapter

Only 18 episodes of LOST remain before all our questions are answered. Is it Ben or Lock who is in charge? Will they ever get their life back? Do they want it? Did Juliet really die? Who is Richard? What does the Dharma Initiative have to do with all this? And so many more. With […]

WCCO News Comes To The iPhone In Style

It has always amazed me how news stations can spend thousands on new sets, fancy graphics and anything to get more viewers on TV, but their website usually suck. Getting the local news on an iPhone or iPod Touch meant loading an overly busy, and usually slow, website or a very basic, and usually ugly, […]

Cookie Monster Giving Up Cookies? I Doubt It.

Growing up, Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster was all about the cookies. He was a cookie monster after all. But now a days there is a big healthy eating push and somehow, a big blue muppet has more say in what kids eat than parents. Course that could be because the parents sit the kids in […]

SNL’s Hilarious Holiday Balls Sketch

Back in 1998, Saturday Night Live did a very funny sketch about an NPR radio show where they interviewed a guy named Pete Schweddy from a bakery called Seasons Eatings who makes delicious holiday balls. Take a look: The funny stuff doesn’t get going until about 2 minutes into the video so keep watching. 🙂

Prop 8 Musical – Gay Marriage Will Save the Economy

"Prop 8 – The Musical" starring Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and many more… from Funny Or Die Star filled mini musical on Prop 8 and how it’s possible that gay marriage could bring in a lot of money to save our economy.

Give a Little Love

Have you heard about Idol Gives Back?  More than likely you have.  Have you donated?  The money goes to help kids in our country and others have a better life.  Helping them out with things like books, safe places to live & play and medication. It’s easy to give back.  You can donate online, by mail […]

Weekend Update: Firefox 3, TV, Software and More

I thought I’d write a random post with some of what’s on my mind this weekend. I’m now running Firefox 3 betas thanks to MultiFireFox. MidnightFox was updated the other day with incorrect buttons.  Oops.  That has been re-uploaded and should be made public soon. yExplore and GA? have been updated for Firefox 3. Actually, […]

Hulu – Who Knew It’d Be So Good?

I’ve been a member of Hulu for a few weeks now and I have to say that I’m quite impressed with it. The TV networks have really come together to create one great solution for internet TV. Hulu has a clean interface and is user friendly. It’s not over done with ads or extra stuff. […]

The Death of YouTube?

YouTube has long been the goto place to find anything you missed from TV, or just to watch things you’d never see on TV. However, lately, it just seems like it’s being spammed more and more. In this example, I searched for Carrie Underwood and got a bit of spam instead. Since YouTube is owned […]