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Category: Video Spotlight

8 Super Awesome, or Strange, Christmas Songs

Every year, hundreds of artists sing the same old Christmas songs that everyone else does. Lame. Thankfully, or maybe not, some songs come out that are unique and stand out from the rest. Here are 8 unique, funny, or just plain weird Christmas songs. All I Want For Christmas Is You by Vince Vance & […]

Cookie Monster Giving Up Cookies? I Doubt It.

Growing up, Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster was all about the cookies. He was a cookie monster after all. But now a days there is a big healthy eating push and somehow, a big blue muppet has more say in what kids eat than parents. Course that could be because the parents sit the kids in […]

Skydiving Videos!

For my golden birthday (last March) present my wife got me a gift certificate to go skydiving. It was something I’d always wanted to do but had never done. Then, on June 20th, we went over to Skydive Twin Cities and I made my jump! The whole experience was great. I think I was […]

Garth Must Be Busy Music Video

I think all Garth Brooks fans are waiting on Garth. Waiting for new music, waiting for a tour, waiting to see if he’ll return. Lets hope so!

Today I turn 30, or 29.1.

This year, I decided to turn 29.1 instead of 30.  Now, it’s not that I’m afraid of 30, but I just felt like it sounds better if I stay in my 20’s a bit longer. 😀 Yes, it’s true, I’m now 30.  Back when I was a kid there was not internet, no cell phones, […]

Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Some songs are timeless.  The advice Baz Luhrmann dispenses is still good today and everyone can learn from it. What kind of memories does this bring up for you?  Or is this your first time hearing it?

SNL’s Hilarious Holiday Balls Sketch

Back in 1998, Saturday Night Live did a very funny sketch about an NPR radio show where they interviewed a guy named Pete Schweddy from a bakery called Seasons Eatings who makes delicious holiday balls. Take a look: The funny stuff doesn’t get going until about 2 minutes into the video so keep watching. 🙂