Well it’s been hyped all week, the biggest snow storm in years. We’d have 3-5 inches Friday night, up to 8 on Saturday and another 5 or so on Saturday night. Well here it is, Saturday morning at 9:30 and we are just getting our first flakes. I’m skeptical that we’ll get a foot. That’s what we need to have the biggest snow storm this year. To have the biggest in years, we’ll need at least 15 inches.
Something tells me, that ain’t gonna happen. However, if we do, we’ll be happy! We have lots of movies and TV shows to watch and are looking forward to be stuck in this weekend. 🙂
[update] Well here we are, the storm is over and it wasn’t as big as they expected. We got around a foot of snow but not what I’d consider a massive amount. Now my parents in SE Minnesota got 20 inches or so and that’s a LOT! Still, a nice storm none the least.