Well it’s March and I’ve got some great news, this is the Month of Firefox themes from TwisterMc, aka me! 🙂
Not only do I have an all new theme to offer but just about everyone will get some sort of an update. Some long overdue, some just minor things.
I’ve been working on a brand new theme for a few weeks now if not longer. It’s not completed, but it’s in a good spot. So a release should be coming up sometime in March.
I also have a few pieces of news regarding iPox. Not only is there a new version, but I have an idea to make most everyone happy. Keep checking back for those announcements.
HalloFF should make a return in March as well. It’s my Halloween theme with Jack Skelingtion and it seems to have a fan base that lasts all year long.
That’s right, March will be full of Firefox themes with at least three theme releases, one of which is brand spanking new. How exciting is that?
howdy – i read your blogpost anytime with big eyes… thats why a small tip; maybee you know it, but: take a look at
there is a big list of FireFox themes .