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Tagged: HalloFF

I’m retiring from Firefox theming.

It’s been a fun journey over the past 5 years creating Firefox themes. I created nearly a dozen themes, stating with iPox, and I’ve got over 5 million downloads! However, I just can’t keep up. With Firefox 4 just around the corner, my themes would probably need to be revamped from the ground up and […]

Firefox 3.6 Theme Compatibly

Good news and bad news. The bad news is that my themes are currently NOT compatiblewith Firefox 3.6. I tested it out the other day and nothing happened. No error, no theme, no luck. The good news is I was able to find out why and fix it. I had to re-do the theme structure […]

My Themes and Firefox 3.5

Good news, I’ve gone though and updated all my themes and extensions to work with Firefox 3.5! There are no major issues, but there are some minor ones. Like the bottom part of the scrollbar is missing and secure pages don’t render the secure part of the URL bar.  I consider these to be pretty […]

Halloween Firefox Theme Gets Another Upgrade

I’ve been tweaking HalloFF over the past few weeks to add a bit more Halloween to the theme. Here is what is new in the most recent version. New scrollbars featuring bones.  Jack Skellington is the Bone Daddy after all. New right click menus featuring orange options with green highlights. New tabs that should resemble […]

HalloFF Reborn for Firefox 3 in Time for Halloween!

Good news Halloween fans, HalloFF, and Jack Skellington, have risen from the dead for Firefox 3!!  The theme is now Firefox 3 compatible and ready for you to enjoy. It’s a dark theme with quite a few elements shared with MidnightFox, however, the buttons are orange with green rollovers and Jack Skellington shows his face […]

Why I Love Theming Firefox

Theming Firefox has its good and it’s bad times.  Yes, it’s a lot of work for no money, but making people happy is something I like to do too.  And it appears that, according to Mozilla’s stats, I’m making a lot of people happy with my themes. Check out these stats! MiintTotal downloads since April […]

Why I would quit theming today.

I love to create Firefox themes, make addons and lots of freebees that others often enjoy.  I do this on my free time and love to see people enjoy them.  But some days, I’m ready to throw in the towel. I’ve recently got a few comments from a visitor saying “hurry up and release the […]

TwisterMc Themes and Firefox 3 – Vote for your favorite.

With the Firefox 3 release upon us, a lot of people will be wondering about the status of my themes. So what is the status? iPox has been released. MidnightFox has been released. MidnightFoxy is in available. Miint has been released. iPox Aqua has been released. PinkHope is ready to go. HalloFF is ready for […]

HalloFF Rises From The Dead

Yes, it’s been a while, but HalloFF has arrived for Firefox 2. I was presently surprised this morning to see that HalloFF has been approved and made live on the Mozilla Addon’s site. I hadn’t gotten notification so I’m not sure when it went live. None the less, HalloFF fans rejoice! HalloFF is my MidnightFox […]

Month of the Firefox Themes

Well it’s March and I’ve got some great news, this is the Month of Firefox themes from TwisterMc, aka me! 🙂 Not only do I have an all new theme to offer but just about everyone will get some sort of an update. Some long overdue, some just minor things. I’ve been working on a […]