Theming Firefox has its good and it’s bad times. Yes, it’s a lot of work for no money, but making people happy is something I like to do too. And it appears that, according to Mozilla’s stats, I’m making a lot of people happy with my themes.
Check out these stats!
Total downloads since April 8th 2007: 234,303
Active Daily Users on Wednesday September 3rd: 35,425
Total downloads since January 29th 2007: 530,214
Active Daily Users on Wednesday September 3rd: 80,814
Total downloads since January 4th 2006: 1,479,462
Active Daily Users on Wednesday September 3rd: 79,518
Total downloads since March 30th 2006: 1,960,530
Active Daily Users on Wednesday September 3rd: 166,482
This is only a sampling of the themes I have available, but all represented above are available for Firefox 3. Knowing that so many people enjoy my themes makes me happy. 🙂
Thank You!!!
Have you ever thought about writing some Themes for Sunbird?
I would love a dark theme such as midnight fox/foxy for sunbird.
I know you are very very busy with all your updating, but if you suddenly get the urge to design a Sunbird theme, well………….
Just wanted to say great theme and nice to see someone from Minnesota
Thank you for the Pink Hope update. it is really girlie, and makes a point.
indeed. miint has changed my life. i didn’t even switch to firefox 3 until you updated
I have to admit I’m a huge fan of your themes. I found iPox god knows how long ago and had to use it because your preview had a Minneapolis link in it. Completely fell in love with it. I love your themes. They make my happy every time I turn on my FF.