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iPhone Overload – Please Shut Up

Ok, I’m a big Apple fan and I think the iPhone is pretty cool, but the amount of attention it has been getting the past week is overwhelming. People are going crazy over things like cancellation policies. Who cares about that? I’m all for good iPhone information, but the amount of information flooding the web is getting to be a bit much.

Maybe it’s because I don’t have $500 to just drop on a phone, but don’t you think we are going just a wee bit overboard? I agree that it’s cool, and I’d never turn one down if someone offered it to me, but it’s getting to be to much.

I’m glad I’m going a way for the weekend and won’t be reading every iPhone detail. I’ll get a break and be all relaxed again for next week when everyone and their brother are writing their iPhone love stories, hate stories, reviews and rants.

Actually, I kind of feel bad for Ratatouille as the iPhone is stealing all the Apple fans & press away from the latest Pixar movie.

3 Responses

  1. Doug says:

    I absolutely agree. But I did notice you said “don’t you”.. that was terrible music to my ears. ‘Do not you’?? Anyways, yes, down with the iPhone!

  2. John says:

    It is to bad that a phone cost more thaN A T.V.

    Oh well hamburgers use to cost only $.25
    Have Great day

  1. 9/21/2007

    […] Meanwhile, Start Cooking has managed to find other podcatchers in the shadow of iTunes that give us over 60 subscribers EVERY DAY. Nobody knows about them because Apple keeps your drooling over the next gadget to impress your friends with. […]

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