As I posted a few days ago, a lot has changed around here. Here’s a quick rundown.
First off, the design. You’ve probably already noticed it. That is unless you only read this via an RSS reader. The new design is focused more on CSS and less on images. The images that I do have are mainly CSS sprites. The fonts are bigger, there is more white space and the focus is on the content.
Second is new hosting. Unfortunately my site was causing an issue with the previous host and I was to often getting suspended for using to many resources. Because of that, I felt that moving would be good for both parties. Don’t get me wrong, loved the old host support, but I hated being that problem site. Plus the new host is half the hosting cost. Lets hope it works out as well as I hope! Ohh the new host is Tiger Technologies.
Third is is now 3x bloggier. Every now and then I get this idea to start a new blog on some random topic. Over time I end up with so many blogs and not so many posts. So, I combined two of them into my main blog. Thrillify, a Minnesota theme park blog, and FluidDad, my daddy blog, now all live here.
Don’t worry, you won’t get 3x as many posts. Thrillify was getting like 3 posts a year and FluidDad a few a week on a good week. Don’t expect a content flood.
Those are the three main changes that have gone into place.
I’m still not done with the design, but it’s in a good spot and I’m very happy with all the changes. Next up is more posts! I’ve got lots of topics in my head, I just need to get them out.