Now, shinner than ever is iPox v0.35!
New in this release is the return of the much missed big buttons and some makeovers. The tabs and main toolbar background have gone from the ‘two tone’ kinda shine, to the full glossy look. So sweet! 🙂
Oh, and for the third time, the main buttons got a makeover. This time they should feel more like indented buttons and hopefully help with a few usability issues I was hearing about. Feedback?
iPox v0.35 should be available on the Mozilla site later today.
Waiting now for several hours but stil not @ Mozilla Update… and I am so eager for the new version 😛
I see it there now but I am getting an invalid install package error
Once Mozilla adds it to the site, it’ll take a 1/2 hour to an hour to actually filter out and into your browser for the auto update to work. It’ll come, it just takes time. And I sure wish they’d fix that error.
it isn’t working because the file itself stil doesn’t exist on mozilla’s servers (so if you look at the contents of the .jar file it is just a 404 error page)
Love the glossy look. I was hoping that it could extend into the File, Edit, etc. menus though. Is that possible?
Marc – This is quite common on Windows XP. Not sure how to fix it yet though.
The autofill roll menu’s seem to be complete grey. In fact: they are so grey that i can’t see the options in it. Im i the only one with this problem?
Looks quite cool!! But on my Win2000 there are still some ugly (Win2000) dialogs.
looks great but the indented background is not displayed behind the menu (file, edit,…) it s just plain white
Looks good! Though I get the gray bar too as the auto fill first option. Also can you get rid of the gray bar at the end of the address bar? You have the blue arrow and a gray bar in front of it.. Annoying..
im getting to same thing Marc van Dijk is getting im using xp PRO