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Category: FluidDad

Happy First Birthday Lily!

It’s hard to imagine that one year ago my wife and I were in the hospital having a baby. Lily was tiny, she was helpless and everything was new to us. From the sleepless nights to the changing of diapers, teething, and so much more, we worked together and figured it all out. Then, next […]

Lily has a new, unhappy, look.

When you have a new baby, you can’t wait for them to start smiling and acknowledging your existence. Once they do start, it’s so cute and wonderful. Then one day, they realize they can do more than just a smiley face; they can do an unhappy face. And Lily has just figured that out. So […]

10 Things I learned while traveling with a baby.

Last week was our first big vacation as a family. We packed everything up and flew out to San Diego; which is about a 4 hour flight. Here are a few things I learned while traveling with a baby. If you can, travel with your spouse. I couldn’t imagine having done this trip alone. From […]

Baby girl has a fever and I don’t like it.

So Lily has never really been sick before. There were times I thought she was, and times that she had small cold, but now she’s got a fever! Her fever was 102 earlier and 103 at bedtime. The good news is she didn’t act any differently, ate and drank well, and shows no other signs […]

Can you baby proof a hotel room?

I han’t thought of baby proofing a hotel room before, but now that Lily is moving around a lot everything needs to be baby proofed. Well, as much as it can be. We’ve been to a few hotels with Lily, but she wasn’t this mobile before. Now that we are about to embark on a […]

Lily is quite the storm trooper.

We’ve had a lot of storms this summer and I keep thinking that they will wake up Lily during the night, but they haven’t. She just sleeps right through them. Tonight, when the storms rolled through, thunder lit up 3 out of 5 bars on the baby monitor and yet Lily didn’t make a sound. […]

Lily can now drink from a straw.

Today is the first time Lily has drunk from a straw. We stopped at Mocha Monkey, our local coffee shop, and I got a strawberry banana smoothie. Unfortunately it wasn’t  that good today, but I offered up some to Lily and she like it. She was able to suck it up through the straw which she hadn’t done before. In the past when […]

Why crawl when you can walk?

Over the 4th of July weekend, Lily started walking and she hasn’t looked back. She loves to walk around the house and explore everything. She even walks on the grass and pretty much anyplace we put her down. As for hats, we’re still getting use to them. This is one of the first times she […]