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Category: Fun

The best things come from Amazon.

Lily loves when things come from Amazon. The boxes are extremely fun to climb in and out of and they usually come with paper packing inside! Never mind the toys that may be in there too, we’re mainly just interested in the box.

My iPad has a sound issue much like the iPhone antenna issue.

Remember when people were complaining that the iPhone 4 had reception issues? Of course you do, it wasn’t that long ago. Well it turns out, that if you put your finger over the antenna, then the signal strength dropped. Guess what? The iPad has the same design flaw, only with sound! You see, I was […]

Our first weekend away from Lily.

Over Labor Day weekend, we had our first weekend away from Lily. It was two nights, and nearly two days, of just me and the wife with no baby and it was fun; weird but fun. As new parents, we get so use to carrying the diaper bag, pushing a stroller and doing all those […]

Children Are The Orgasm Of Life

Over the weekend, we were at the Mall of America when an advertisement for a new store made us take a double take. It said: “Children are the orgasm of life. Just like you did not know what an orgasm was before you had one, nature does not let you know how great children are […]

The joy of toilet paper.

Lily has recently found the joy of toilet paper. It’s soft, it’s within reaching range, easy to grab, and it just keeps coming the more and more we pull. Needless to say, all toilet paper has been removed from the holder and is up high where little hand’s can’t get. I sometimes wish that I […]

Take Time To Enjoy Where We Are [quote]

“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.” – Calvin & Hobbes Sometimes we all need to be reminded to enjoy today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.

The Minnesota State Fair, a great way to exercise and get fat.

It’s that time of year again when over a million people head out to the Great Minnesota Get-Together aka the Minnesota State Fair! There are more than 450 foods available and over 60 of them come on a stick. Most of those are probably deep-fried as well. From deep-fried candy bars and cheeseburger sliders, to […]

Do one brave thing today, then run like hell!

Every day we should challenge ourselves to do something brave, to make a change, to make the world better. Or at least that’s what some people say. So why not do one brave thing today, then run like hell!

Lily’s first birthday party!

Lily’s first birthday party went off quite well. Unfortunately, one set of grandparents couldn’t make it due to illness, but it’s better they stay away than spread it to everyone else. Other than that we had good food, cake and fun. Lily got to see some people she doesn’t see as often and she got […]