Google added a little JavaScript and a little DHTML and created Google X. A new toy that imitates the dock in Mac OS X. Nice to see others getting enjoyment out of the Mac OS. [Update] It appears to have been removed from Google It’s 4:30 CST and the link is now dead. Screenshot:
Category: SEO
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New Misukanis & Odden PR Site Design
Yahoo could be better than Google
Blog Software as Web Site Software?
Google Weather Maps
New Flash Based
They launched a new and it’s almost all in Flash! It’s amazing that such a large company would use a format that wasn’t as search engine friendly as HTML. At the same time, it’s good that someone is showcasing what Flash can do. It’s not all about moving things around the screen. What they […]
Some Useful Sites
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Google vs Firefox?
Google has hired not one but two of the main Firefox team members. This helps strengthen the Firefox based Google browser rumors and make me wonder if in a few months we’ll be making so much noise about the new GoogleFox (or gBrowser or whatever) and tossing Firefox aside. I highly doubt that’ll happen though, […]