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Category: Web Design & Development

Too Cool for Internet Explorer

I keep seeing some banners around that say “Too Cool for IE” and they give me a worm fuzzy feeling. ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, I just found out that it’s not just one or two people, it’s a club! Basically, if you design a really cool site and it looks bad in Internet Explorer, just add this […]

Header Tags Without the Extra Space

Have you ever put in a header tag (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) and struggle to get rid of the extra space underneath the tag? I do this all the time and I finally found the cure today. To get a header tag to be inline with the rest of the HTML code, just […]

PHP Find Variable in String

Since I always try to remember what this PHP code is, and I can never remember, I thought I’d add it to my blog so I never forget. ๐Ÿ™‚ This searches a string of text and finds a user defined variable. Very handy. $string = "PHP"; $container = "I love writing PHP code."; if(strstr($container,$string)) { […]

MIMA Summit 2005

I was able to attend the MIMA Summit today and it was a great event. It covered search engine optimization, web design, email marketing, brand protection and much more. It took place at the McNamara Alumni Center on the U of M Campus. If you’ve never seen this building you should take a peek at […]

Charamel Best Firefox & Thunderbird Theme

I try and check out all the themes for Firefox and Thunderbird that I can, however only one has ever really impressed me. That theme is Charamel. This theme has had a lot of work put into it and it’s absolutely beautiful. Everything works together and it’s a joy to use. There are even elements […]

Nvu I want to use you.

Nvu is yet another spawn of the Mozilla family. This time, non-Mozilla employees ripped out Composer, the HTML editor that can be found in the Mozilla Suite. They then re-worked it into a stand alone application called Nvu. Now I was all excited to hear about this project. How could it be bad? Well I’ve […]

Free Opera Registration

Happy birthday to Opera! What’s Opera? It’s another web browser. Often overlooked but quite popular. It’s another alternative to IE. The only downside is the ads. Eww Ads. However, for their birthday, they are giving away free registration codes!!!!! Go grab yours today and check out the browser. Never know, you might like it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

CSS Hover Tip

If you ever have issues with CSS and your a:hover doesn’t seem to be working I may have the fix. You have to put your a:link information before your a:hover info. This works: .toprightmenu a:link, .toprightmenu a:visited { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; font-size: 10px; color: #999999; } .toprightmenu a:hover, .toprightmenu a:visited:hover { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: […]

Froogle Feed Success

I have created my first Froogle feed/store. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m all excited because I used to think Froogle was a big scary Google thing. But it’s not. It’s relatively simple. Can’t show you the Froogle store though as it’s for a client, not me.

Web Developers Dream Firefox Extension

As Firefox gets more popular, more developers are creating extensions for it. And some, like Aardvark, are just amazing. Aardvark allows the user to glide over a web page and see where tables, images, paragraph tags and div tags are. It also tells you the elements type, class’ or IDs. This is great for web […]