I can still remember when Google and I were BFFs. I spent my time creating content and feeding Google. In return, Google sent me traffic. We were both happy and things were good. Then, without notice, Google dumped me. Now I didn’t cheat on Google and I wasn’t doing spammy things behind their back. I […]
Tagged: Google Analytics
New Google Image Search kills my traffic.
New Google Analytics goals appear to be delayed by more than a few hours.
GA? and yExplore are now Firefox 6 compatible.
I received emails from Mozilla today that stated GA? – Is Google Analytics Installed and yExplore are compatible with Firefox 6. Man these releases are moving fast. The good news is that my extensions don’t require any updating to work in the new releases; well not yet anyway. I just sit back and let Mozilla do all the […]
GA? and yExplore are now Firefox 5 ready.
Google Analytics Extension Upgraded
Just a quick note to say that the Is Google Analytics Installed? Firefox extension recently has been updated to work with Google’s new asynchronous tracking code. It should now work for all versions of Google’s code. And, if Google doesn’t drastically change the analytics tracking in the future, it should continue to work well for […]
GA? – Google Anlytics Extension – Turns 1.0
GA? Upgraded to work with new Google Analytics code.
Google Analytics recently updated their tracking code. In doing so, my GA? Firefox extension didn’t recognize the newer code. However, with a few new lines of code, the GA? Firefox extension works with the old and new Google tracking code. Thanks to those who wrote in requesting the update. It really helps me get a […]
Google Analytics Extension Updated
The new version of GA? has been released. The Google Analytics detector now re-checks each page as you switch between tabs to ensure the status bar icon is kept up to date. This was a big enhancement for me as I’ve always got multiple tabs open. However, with advancements comes a few more bug reports. […]
Sweet Look of Google Analytics on AIR
Google Analytics is a great program, but add in Adobe AIR and it becomes even better with the Google Analytics Reporting Suite module. It’s a stand alone application that gives you direct access into your Google Analytics account with a few great features thrown in. The first thing I love is the ability to have […]