Ever thought that you liked parts of one of my themes and parts of another? Well one reader by the name of Jeremy did. He decided to combine MidnightFox and iPox Aqua to come up with Midnight iPox. Midnight iPox combines the dark of MidnightFox and the bright blue buttons of iPox Aqua to create a […]
Tagged: theme
Showcase: Indianapolis Colts Firefox Theme
I know that my Firefox Theme tutorials get a lot of attention, but I don’t always get to see the outcome. One that I know of though is the Indianapolis Colts Firefox theme. Theme designer, madBOX20, went though my tutorials and created this football theme. Sure, he started with one of my themes, but he designed […]
Tinseltown Is A Part of Mozilla’s First Fashion Your Firefox
Have you heard about Mozilla’s Fashion Your Firefox? It’s Mozilla’s way of showcasing exceptional Firefox addons and grouping them in a way that makes it easier to find great addons. Under the Decorator heading are a handful of themes that were picked based on quality and usability. One of those addons is Tinseltown. I’m honored […]
Tinseltown Theme gets 50% more snow!
I’m happy to release the next update to Tinseltown today. This version cleans up a lot of the areas that I didn’t spend to much time on with the early release. Tinseltown Updates Include: Right click menus have new snow graphics. URL bar auto complete menu has been re-designed with a snowman. Back/Forward drop down […]
iPox Remix Theme Tutorials for Firefox 3
Tinseltown For Firefox 3 – Early Release
I’ve had quite a few people wonder where Tinseltown was. In my mind, Christmas is still a little ways away and it’s easiest to build a Christmas theme when you are in the Christmas mood. However, I pulled together an early release of Tinseltown for Firefox 3. What’s an early release? Well it just means […]
Make Firefox Pink for October
Have you heard of the Pink for October campaign? What they ask is that people modify their sites, aviators or whatever they can to add a bit of pink and spread breast cancer awareness. You may have already noticed this and just didn’t realize why things were changing to pink. PinkHope is a perfect match for Pink for […]
Halloween Firefox Theme Gets Another Upgrade
I’ve been tweaking HalloFF over the past few weeks to add a bit more Halloween to the theme. Here is what is new in the most recent version. New scrollbars featuring bones. Jack Skellington is the Bone Daddy after all. New right click menus featuring orange options with green highlights. New tabs that should resemble […]
iPox Aqua Shines in Firefox 3
Why I Love Theming Firefox
Theming Firefox has its good and it’s bad times. Yes, it’s a lot of work for no money, but making people happy is something I like to do too. And it appears that, according to Mozilla’s stats, I’m making a lot of people happy with my themes. Check out these stats! MiintTotal downloads since April […]