I got a nice surprise yesterday when MidnightFoxy was made live on the Mozilla Addons site! The Firefox 2 version never made it out of the sandbox over there and was never publicly available. It bugged me, but there wasn’t much I could do. However now, MidnightFoxy can get the attention it deserves. MidnightFoxy is […]
Tagged: theme
MidnightFox for Firefox 3 Now Available
Another day, another theme. MidnightFox has been released for Firefox 3. Instead of waiting until it’s perfect, I decided to release what I had done. Thanks to the beta testers, any major bugs should be worked out and it’s ready to rock! If you are a fan of the spinoff theme, MidnightFoxy, that’s still awaiting […]
Miint Officially Released – A Green Firefox Theme
iPox Officially Released for Firefox 3
If you haven’t been following the betas, than this day has been a long time coming. iPox for Firefox 3 was officially released on Mozilla’s Addon site this morning. The new version, iPox 2, has been re-worked from the ground up in hopes of creating the most compatible theme for Firefox 3. If you come […]
Miint Enters Beta for Firefox 3
My First Plurk Theme
MidnightFox and MidnightFoxy Betas Available
Two more of my themes are now in beta and ready for you to test out. MidnightFox and MidnightFoxy are both available for Firefox 3 and the adventurous type. Actually, you don’t have to be adventurous. I have tested the themes on Mac and XP and saw no show stopping bugs. Yes, there are quite […]
Why I would quit theming today.
iPox for Firefox 3 – Beta
Silvermel – Return of Firefox Style
Remember a while ago when Charamel roamed the streets? It was one of the most detailed and perfect Firefox themes I’ve ever seen. Well now there is Silvermel; a silver version of Charamel. Silvermel has every detail down and outstanding design everywhere you turn. It’s a work of art that you just have to see. […]