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From Around The Web : Flock, Seamonkey, Outlook, Idol

I’ve never quite understood why people just leave a list of links to other sites, but now I do. Here is some news that I don’t have time to write about, but wanted to share.

A new preview version of Flock, based on Firefox 2, is out with many additional features. Note, it didn’t import all my previous bookmarks.

Seamonkey 1.1 is also out. It’s also based off Firefox 2 and Thunderbird 2 too. However, from the comments on Seamonkey 1.1, the real good stuff won’t appear until 1.5.

Outlook 2007 is taking HTML email back in time with horrible rendering. Thanks Microsoft for making things worse, again.

Check out this online image editors features list. Now you can easily find the best image editor for you.

American Idol, Karaoke Revolution is just like the show.

The Wii is the coolest game system ever!!

That’s it for now. I thought I had more but I’m not finding them at the moment.

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