iPox has spun off a new version with brighter blues and all new buttons. It’s called iPox Aqua and it’s for those that like iPox, but want just a bit more kick out of the theme.
Thanks to BitBox for the base buttons that started this re-work and thanks to you all for making iPox such a huge success.
And this is just the beginning, in the upcoming weeks I plan on helping everyone create their own version of iPox. Or, if you really excel in my tutorials, you can create your own theme. So stay tuned for that. 🙂
Love this theme, posted a bug report in the wrong place (sorry, the bug report for midnightfox)
the save dialogs are a bit messy:
but apart from that, this is a lovely theme.
oh, and one more thing the text is a bit dark on some dialogs (i guess you know about that too)
Thanks Mark, I’ll have to look into those.
Very clever, but might be better if you spell shiny correctly in the pitch! Otherwise it reads like shi –y, which rhymes with bitty–get my drift?
One I and one N makes “shiny,” rhymes with whiny!