Before Lily was even born, I got her a night light. I picked a really cool sea turtle that shines the night sky on the ceiling. It’s really nice, but didn’t light up the room very much.

SPÖKA Night Light
Then, months later, we were at Ikea looking around and came across the SPÖKA night light.
I’m not sure what kind of animal, or whatever, it is, but the glow lights up the entire room and it even changes colors!
It’ll cycle through many colors, gently fading in and out. You can even set it so that it only shows one color if you’d like.
It’s small, made out of some sort of soft rubbery material, and has a rechargeable battery inside so that if the power went out it’d keep on shining.
I’m pretty impressed with the SPÖKA night light and I’m really glad we picked it up on a whim.
I’d highly recommend one if you need a nigh light for your baby, or just a cool light for yourself.