Are you running out of time to get a gift for your toddler? If so, here are a few easy and fun ideas.
- A Cardboard Box – Lily loves the boxes that bring gifts in them more for the boxes than what’s inside.
- A Plastic Tub – You know, one of those storage tubs. Much like a cardboard box, it’s just fun to get in and out of. And this one won’t break as easy.
- Paper – Paper is great. You can use it to make noise, rip it into pieces and throw it all around.
- Shredded Paper – Why not kill two birds with one stone and shred some of those confidential documents you’ve been meaning to and then give the shreds to the kids? Making a mess has never been so fun!
- Old Cell Phone – Toy phones are fun, but having a real phone like Mom and Dad is even better. It doesn’t have to work either, but bonus points if it lights up and beeps.
- Music – iTunes is full of good music that is fun to dance to and little kids love to dance.
- You – Just spending time with your little ones is all they need or want. Who’s cooler than Mom and Dad?!
With toddlers it’s so easy. Their imagination will do all the work, all they need is something to play with. And that something doesn’t have to be expensive, or even come from a store.