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yExplore Updated for Better Results

It took much longer than expected to get approved by Mozilla, the approval line must be really long, but yExplore 1.1beta is now out!

yExplore 1.1beta changes the URL structure that access’ Yahoo Site Explorer. It’ll now give you the most accurate data right away. The change is is in response to my odd Yahoo Site Explorer findings.

I think I also screwed up the the version numbers. This is version 1.1beta when there was no official version 1.0. It probably should have been 1.0beta2. Oops. So I’m guessing that the next version will be 1.2 maybe?? My Bad. 😉

I have a compatibility check for newer version of Firefox in the works. And I’m trying to find a Firefox 1.0.x user to try out the extension. If you are on the bleeding edge with Firefox builds, or running an old version, let me know. I could use a tester!! 🙂

1 Response

  1. 5/13/2006

    […] 5/13 – yExplore Updated Now available is yExplore. A Firefox extension to quickly access Yahoo Site Explorer. […]

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