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Category: Software

Pimp Out Safari with Plugins and Customizations

John Hicks decided that Firefox users shouldn’t have all the fun. There are lots of customization, theme and extension pages for Firefox but nothing really for Safari so he did something about it. Pimp My Safari is the result. A site dedicated to Apple’s Safari web browser and the plugins and customizations available for it. […]

Netgear Wireless Router WGR614

What a difference a router makes. We had a Belkin 2.4 GHz wireless router and it worked, just not the best. We often had down times and slow speeds. We blamed it on a few different sources before thinking that the router could be the issue. So I bought a Netgear 2.4 GHz wireless router […]

Yahoo 2005

I’ve been trying to switch over to Yahoo for search and use some of their tools more and more. And I decided, to be fair, I should start up a new Yahoo account. I’ll keep my old one, but I’m starting a new one fresh. No spam, no nothing. I’m going to try and see […]

Blog Software as Web Site Software?

So, as I’m thinking of a new site design and layout, I’m toying with the idea of dropping everything into the blog. I mean WordPress now has pages, it has a template system, comments and is very SEO friendly. It seems like a good idea, however I’m not so sure it’s the best idea. I […]

Inernet Explorer 7. Fix more than security please.

When I heard the news about the upgrade to Internet Explorer I first laughed. Microsoft had no plans on releasing a stand alone version until now. The only reason they are updating is because of security issues and maybe some Firefox envy. Since this is a number upgrade, I’ve been thinking about it and hoping […]

New Flash Based

They launched a new and it’s almost all in Flash! It’s amazing that such a large company would use a format that wasn’t as search engine friendly as HTML. At the same time, it’s good that someone is showcasing what Flash can do. It’s not all about moving things around the screen. What they […]

Some Useful Sites

Every day someone comes along with a new site that helps you do something new. Well lately I’ve found a few sites that I like and find useful so I thought I’d share. Technorati – Mainly blog posts, this site has the most up to date information available. Search for something that was on TV […]

Ugly is Nice for Firefox

I wanted a new Firefox theme today and I have to say there is a lack in quality themes. However I installed one called Blue Monkey and I have to say it’s an ugly yet nice theme. Can’t explain it, but I like it for some odd reason. And it even works pretty nice on […]

Google vs Firefox?

Google has hired not one but two of the main Firefox team members. This helps strengthen the Firefox based Google browser rumors and make me wonder if in a few months we’ll be making so much noise about the new GoogleFox (or gBrowser or whatever) and tossing Firefox aside. I highly doubt that’ll happen though, […]

OmniOutliner Review

Organization. It’s not one of my stronger features but I’m trying. Lately I’ve been using OmniOutliner to keep track of random notes and messages. This works better than Stickys but I still use them to. At home I have OmniOutliner 2 and at work I have OmniOutliner 3. Version 2 is much simpler and uses […]