I took the jump to WordPress 2.3 tonight and I don’t seem to see any issues. Do you see any? If you do, post them below or email them to me. The upgrade was painless and all my Ultimate Tag Warrior tags imported beautifully. Thanks to LifeSpy for the run down on how-to get them […]
Category: WordPress
Does Webkit have a bug or are Mac programmers missing a step?
Made on a Mac WordPress Plugin
This is quite possibly the greatest plugin ever!* You can now get the Made on a Mac WordPress plugin that will automatically insert a button to your blog that states your blog was made on a Mac. How cool is that?! The initial release is extremely basic. Just install it and enable it. That’s all. […]
7 Stats Programs For Your Blog or Website
Backup Your Blog Today
Lost My Marbles – Upgraded to WordPress 2.2
I’ve been wanting to upgrade Blog on a Stick to WordPress 2.2 for so long. But there have always been so many un-answered questions. Ok, one one main one; “Will Ultimate Tag Warrior convert over properly?” Without a defiant answer, I wouldn’t upgrade. Until tonight. I’m not sure why, but I was in a crazy […]
SEO with PHP Book Includes Me
I read the SEO Egghead site and caught a post about a new book they were publishing titled Search Engine Optimization with PHP. Very interested in both topics, I got a copy of the book. While paging though it, I was shocked to see a page all about the Chicklet Creator WordPress plugin!! How exciting […]
Attack of the Big Red Button
Did you see my FeedBurner StandardStats plugin?
A week or so ago I released a FeedBurner StandardStats plugin for WordPress over at my BloggerDesign.com blog. It’s purpose was to make it easy to add FeedBurners new (and free) stats program into a WordPress blog. An interesting side effect was that it also inserts FeedFlare into your posts as well. This makes it […]