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70 Results for "quote"

Betray The Age – Separation Cannot be Equal

Why is it that we can look back at history and think how ignorant people once were, but we can’t look at a similar situation right now and see the same ignorance?

“Every age has its massive moral blind spots. We might not see them, but our children will.

Slavery, for example, and the people who best served the age were the ones who called it what it was—ungodly and inhuman.” – U2’s Bono

There was a time in our history when women could not vote or hold office, until a few brave souls stood up and betrayed the age. Now we have women leading big companies, elected the senate and holding whatever job they wish.

More than half a century ago, the Supreme Court betrayed the age when it decided Brown v. Board of Education and said that separate cannot be equal. This was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional.

Now here we are today, debating if homosexuals should have the same rights as everyone else and be able to get married. Haven’t we learned anything from our past? The idea that one segment of the population is not as good as the next has been proven incorrect time and time again.

Vote No. Don’t let ignorance write the history books.

How does one see the internet when they can’t see it?

3 Blind MiceHave you ever wondered how blind people surf the web or have you ever stopped to take the visually impaired into consideration when designing or building a site? Probably not.

I believe that most web developers don’t think too much about the visually impaired. We focus more on the design and functionality and what we see.

There are things though that we can do to make our sites better for screen readers and those with disabilities, however I don’t know them all and can say that I’ve never surfed the web without my sight.

If you’ve ever wondered about web accessibility or how screen readers work then you should come to The Nerdery’s Front-End Developer Talk on January 10th. Aaron Cannon, a blind PHP developer at The Nerdery, will be talking about web accessibility and showing you how he interacts with the web.

Aaron Cannon is an accessibility consultant and software engineer at The Nerdery. He is blind from birth and uses the screen reader JAWS on a daily basis. Aaron will be talking about accessibility concerns to consider when developing your website, which will be followed by a JAWS demonstration and Q&A period.

For more information, and to RSVP, visit

This is open to the public so feel free to come and learn.

Also check out the The League of Front-End Developers website for more talks and meet-ups.

Image Source: Creative Star Art

Thanks for the memories Steve.

Pixel Apple Logo

Thank you Steve Jobs for changing our world. For looking at a device and taking it to the next level. For not being afraid to be different. For being the little fish in the big pond and showing us that anything is possible.

Your life may have been cut short, but you’ve left a great company behind and the most amazing fans. We will miss you.

Don’t be sad because it’s over. Smile because it happened. — Dr. Seuss

Testing out WordPress custom post formats.

WordPressI’ve been waiting for WordPress 3.1 to come out for months now. I was so excited for post formats as I thought that’d make my WordPress blog cool like my Tumblr blog. Turns out, maybe not.

The first thing I forgot was that I’d have to update my theme to make them work. Not only adding the custom function, but also writing the code to figure out if a post was a custom format or not. Then styling those differently as that is the whole point behind custom post formats.

So far I’ve got two custom post formats setup: quote and image. I think they look pretty nice, but they are not perfect.

For example, on my image post, it looks great on the site, but those reading via RSS got a HUGE image. I’ll have to play with image sizes and see how to make that better. Sadly the image size is an issue that’s not just magically controlled.

I really like how my quote post turned out, yet I could have probably done that before post formats too.

When it comes down to it, custom post formats are nice, but you still have to figure out how to make them look, and work, like you want them to.

I’m still a big fan of Tumblr’s simplicity and hopefully I can get everything updated around here to work more like I want. I just want it to be easy for me to create and share different types of content and have them showcased in a way that makes them different from all the rest.

Has anyone else tried out the custom post formats? What do you think?

14 Strangely Creative Stock Photos

Creativity is one of those things that’s hard to define. For each of us it’s different, and for some it’s a bit strange.

Check out the interesting stock photos below and see if they fit into your next project. Not sure where I’d use any of them, yet I kinda want to find a use for all of them!

We’ve got dots! Lots of dots!


Not sure what’s going on now, but Lily’s latest item is a rash; lots and lots of little red dots.

There are no sores, no blisters and it’s not itchy. Lily is pretty happy otherwise so we’re not freaking out just yet.

Tomorrow she has her 18 month checkup so she’ll be into the doctor’s office anyway.

The only thing we can think of is Roseola.

Roseola is an acute disease of infants and young children in which a high fever and skin rash occur. The child may have a runny nose, sore throat, and eye redness. A fever usually occurs before the rash appears. It lasts for 3 (sometimes up to 7) days.

We think this because she had a high fever on Thursday that was out of the blue and went away on Friday. That combined with her recent pinkeye & bronchitis seem like a logical match.

We’ll know for sure tomorrow.

The big thing that made me feel better was watching her play and act pretty normal today. 🙂

Do your part to fuel your kids imagination.

The thing I love most about kids is their imagination and creativity. The world is theirs to conquer and they fear nothing.

As parents, we should fuel our kids imagination by either playing along and/or doing what we can to help out.

VW has a great ad out right now that sums this all up very nicely.

Volkswagen Star Wars Commercial: The Force

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” – Jamie Paolinetti

Fix the HTC/Droid Null Error in Facebook

Facebook Null Error

When I got my Droid Incredible a few weeks back, it came with Facebook pre-installed. So I just started using it.

Then I started getting null errors when I tried to refresh or load content. There was no rhyme or reason either and it didn’t happen all the time.


Turns out, HTC doesn’t have the latest version of Facebook installed on their phones. To make it worse, it doesn’t auto-update either.

To fix, just go into the Android Market, search for Facebook and install it. It’ll then update your Facebook app and fix the issue. Not to mention it’ll look nicer.

There are over 500 messages on Facebook regarding this error. You’d think that HTC, Verizon or whomever is in charge of installing apps would get it updated; but they don’t.

Good news is that it’s an easy fix.

Never Grow Up

I love country music because it’s real and sometimes it just hits home.

While listening to Taylor Swifts new album the other day I came across the song ‘Never Grow Up’ and it hit me; this is me and my little girl.

Your little hand’s wrapped around my finger
And it’s so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter cause you’re dreaming
So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
To you everything’s funny, you got nothing to regret
I’d give all I have, honey
If you could stay like that

Oh darling, don’t you ever grow up
Don’t you ever grow up, just stay this little
Oh darling, don’t you ever grow up
Don’t you ever grow up, it could stay this simple
I won’t let nobody hurt you, won’t let no one break your heart
And no one will desert you
Just try to never grow up, never grow up

Now how a 20-year-old who’s never had kids can write a song that’s so touching is beyond me, but it gets me every time.

I know my little girl is growing up and I can’t stop that, but I’m reminded to cherish every moment I get to be with her.