If you try and sign up for a Facebook account, Facebook will require you to enter in a phone number to verify you are a human. Then they will text you a verification number. This is all fine and dandy if you have a cellphone and texting plan. If you are using Google Voice or Pinger you […]
Tagged: google
Google+. The social network that wants to be cool but isn’t.
Who doesn’t love the idea of Goolge+? It’s a social network, from Google, that ties into your Google life. It’s got a pretty easy to use interface, does a great job at grouping friends, has video and audio chat built-in and can automatically upload every picture you take from your Android phone into the system. […]
Google Music’s uploader app finally adds playlist support.
I’ve been using Google Music for a while now, but my biggies issues is that the app uploads everything in iTunes. This means that it uploaded Christmas & children’s music whether I wanted it or not. Plus there is no way to create smart playlists so I could listen to everything but those genres. Turns out that […]
Google Wave logo recycled for Google Wallet
Bad Behavior WordPress Plugin Killed My Google Traffic
I’ve been looking into the Bad Behavior WordPress plugin to help stop some of the spam comments that I’ve been getting. Turns out, it made things horribly worse. I’m not sure why, but the plugin decided to block Google bot. By the time I noticed, the damage had been done and my visitor stats are […]
What happens when you change WordPress’ URL structure? Will it kill SEO?
Earlier this year I switched all my WordPress URLs (aka permalinks) from date based to ID and post names. Since then I haven’t seen any negative effects from search engines when it comes to the amount of referral traffic. The Background Now, when a blog is set up, the URL structure is defined. If you […]
Me & WordPress vs Google Page Speed & YSlow
If it’s not one thing, it’s another. It seems that I can’t stop tweaking my WordPress install & settings. I’ve done some major re-working of things on the back-end and I’m hoping I didn’t break anything. If I did, please tell me! The bulk of my changes are to help with my site speed addiction. […]
Google Analytics Extension Upgraded
Just a quick note to say that the Is Google Analytics Installed? Firefox extension recently has been updated to work with Google’s new asynchronous tracking code. It should now work for all versions of Google’s code. And, if Google doesn’t drastically change the analytics tracking in the future, it should continue to work well for […]
New URLs & Lots of Patients
For some time I’ve wanted to remove the month, day, year from my URL structure on my blog but I haven’t. Everything I’ve ever learned about SEO is to not change the URLs. However I really wanted to. Then, late last week, my host somehow blocked Google bot from accessing the server I’m on and […]
Minor Design Changes Can Make A Big Effect
When it comes to web design, sometimes less is more. And sometimes you don’t need to change a lot to make a big improvement. Case in point, the latest Google update. All they did was add a few icons, make the colors pop, soften up the buttons a little and the new look is very […]