Who needs to go to a fancy ice skating rink when there’s big puddles out there just waiting for you?
Category: FluidDad
Luna Lovegood Halloween
For Halloween this year, Lily went as Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. It’s great to see her picking characters/costumes that are unique and fun. Luna’s brave, smart, creative, and not like any one else.
Happy Birthday to my sweet, silly, smart little girl.
Lily turns 9 today and life just keeps getting better. Her optimism and her love for animals makes each day a fun adventure.
Time to upgrade to 4th grade.
Another school year has come and gone. Lily’s last day of 3rd grade was today and she’s excited to start her summer vacation.
New Year. New Fairy Garden.
We have not one but two fairy gardens this year. This one is located on our deck and has some nice pieces that we gave Lily at Easter along with some things we had just sitting around. Only a few plants in here but they’ll grow big. The other one is similar, but has bigger […]
Welcome Zero
A week ago we adopted a dog. His name is Zero and he’s a lot of fun. Zero is a tiny little thing at only 10 pounds. He actually makes our cat look big. He’ll get a little bit bigger, but not too big. He’s also kinda of lazy too. I don’t think he’s your […]
Ice cream truck came to the neighborhood! We got Choco Tacos.
M&M Tree
Lily asked me what I wanted for Father’s Day that didn’t exist so I said an M&M tree. Sure enough, when I got home tonight, I had an M&M tree waiting for me. I hope it’s an ever-producing tree.
I built a fairy garden.
Lily is always making little fairy houses out of sticks and leaves so I decided to build her a fairy garden. Someplace she could grow flowers, decorate, and play with as she pleases. I built it, Christi picked up the accessories, and Lily picked out the flowers. It was a family project and should be fun all […]
Lily and I went on a 13 mile bike ride today!
Lily really wanted to go on a bike ride today so I agreed to. She wanted to ride to school which is about one mile away and that didn’t sound too bad at all. However, on the way to school she took a right turn onto the Luce Line Trail and we were off on an […]