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Category: Personal

Jumping Into The World Of Android With A Droid Incredible

The wife and I have finally broken down and got smart phones recently and now are trying to figure them out. Ironically, we don’t feel very smart using them yet. Unfortunately Verizon doesn’t have the iPhone yet, so we purchased the Droid Incredible. It’s a very nice phone, it’s just taking some time to learn everything. I am […]

Bad Behavior WordPress Plugin Killed My Google Traffic

I’ve been looking into the Bad Behavior WordPress plugin to help stop some of the spam comments that I’ve been getting. Turns out, it made things horribly worse. I’m not sure why, but the plugin decided to block Google bot. By the time I noticed, the damage had been done and my visitor stats are […]

Happy Halloween From Our Little Monkey To Yours

I hope everyone has a good Halloween this year! We carved six pumpkins and I colored one at work. This will be Lily’s second Halloween and her first really dressing up. We are going to hit a few houses and get Dad some candy before coming home and handing out our own.

Don’t have a scanner? Take a picture of it instead.

Do you have a scanner? I don’t either. And every now and then someone say ‘scan it and send it back to me.’ Really? Scan something? Crap. Instead of scanning, I just take a picture of my documents. It’s pretty much the same thing, without the hassle of purchasing and hooking up a scanner. I […]

I did it. I washed my keyboard in the dishwasher.

Have you heard that you can clean a keyboard by putting it though the dishwasher? I was skeptical, but very interested, so I tried it out, and it worked! I had an old keyboard lying around that I tested the theory with. It was from a blue gumdrop iMac from way back in the day so I wasn’t […]

Change Your Password Before Someone Else Does

I recently got an email from a friend of mine who was vacationing in London. They were writing to tell me that they were mugged at gunpoint and their wallet, cell phone and all their money was taken. Now they were stuck in London with no way to pay the hotel bill and no way […]

Learning the art of donating as I have to much stuff!

In 1998 I moved to Minneapolis with what fit in my mom’s backseat and trunk. It wasn’t a whole lot of stuff, but it was enough for me to live off of. Fast forward to 2010 and I have a home, a wife, baby girl and two cats. Not to mention a house full of […]

I’m retiring from Firefox theming.

It’s been a fun journey over the past 5 years creating Firefox themes. I created nearly a dozen themes, stating with iPox, and I’ve got over 5 million downloads! However, I just can’t keep up. With Firefox 4 just around the corner, my themes would probably need to be revamped from the ground up and […]

What makes a good web host?

I’ll admit it, I have A.D.D when it comes to technology. There’s always something new, someone cheaper, or something shiny that grabs my attention. But new isn’t always better. As I’m writing this post, I’m having conversations with my web host, A Small Orange, over high CPU performance. It seems that something on my WordPress […]