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PS3 today Wii Sunday

Mario and WiiWell it’s the big day for a lot of gaming fans as Playstation 3 arrives on store shelves. What’s so great about PS3? Why does it cost $500+?! I guess I’m out of the loop on that one.

For me and my wife, we are big Nintendo fans and are going to try and get a Wii on Sunday. We are not camping out or anything like that, but if we pick the right store, it may not be busy.

What I really wonder is how many people are buying PS3’s and Wii’s just for eBay? I think a lot of people. I know if I see a PS3 or more than one Wii, I’ll be picking it up. It should turn a quick profit online. 😉

So are you getting a console or planning to get one? Or are you asking for it for Christmas and making someone else do all the work at finding one?

Try to buy a Playstation3 or Wii on eBay or Amazon.

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