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First day of online school!

Lily now has school online thanks to our nations pandemic. However, she’s in one of the best rooms in the house, has her cat to keep her company, and snacks are close by. Doesn’t sound too shabby!

Backblaze has been backing up my computer for 11 years now!

It’s hard to believe that 11 years ago I signed up for Backblaze and it’s been backing up my computer ever since. Backblaze continues to sit in the background and just do its thing. I hardly even think about it. Every photo I import, every song or movie I download, every file we create on […]

How to import a site into Local when the import fails.

I’ve been using Local by Flywheel for years now and I love it. It’s a great environment for spinning up & developing WordPress sites. Better yet, you don’t have to use it with Flywheel hosting, you can just use it develop WordPress locally. Now that Local “Lightning” is out, Local is much faster. It’s a […]

Moz-Mac – A Translucent Firefox Theme

I’ve started playing around with Firefox themes again. One of the great things about Firefox is that the interface can be modified with CSS. With just a few lines of code, I can make it look like whatever I want. This time what I ended up with was Moz-Mac. I started by getting rid of […]

Christmas Lighting Goals

I like decorating for Christmas, but these lights are at a whole different level. This is Trista Lights in Minnetrista MN and it’s pretty cool. Granted, I’m not sure I’d ever want my house to be this over the top. It’s cool, but I’m not sure it’s Christmas lights as much is it is a […]

Have you seen Samantha?

Olaf has been looking for Samantha. Have you seen her? This Frozen 2 wallpaper (2880 × 1800) can help you remember to keep looking. Not sure how we know if we find her, but it can’t hurt to ask around. And if you haven’t seen Frozen 2, here’s the clip of Olaf looking for Samantha.